Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Welcome to Death By Tshirt

Hello and welcome. I'm sure that you are aware that there are many tshirt blogs already out there, but for me all of these have lacked... something. Or perhaps they haven't lacked anything, but instead have crammed their pages full of every tshirt under the sun. That's where death by tshirt aims to be different! As a lover of design and illustration and tshirts, I will be bringing you the best the art and design world has to offer - in tshirt format. No crappy slogans. No witty, yet ugly ideas. No "great idea but you'd have to kill me to get that shirt on my body" shirts. I think you get the idea. Only outstanding tshirts that look great and that I actually like. I hope you like them too.


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World Magazine T-shrits Sponsored by liza Caem