Thursday, July 5, 2007

People Like Them

Hoo's Awake Tshirt - by Brandon ReeseEthiopia tshirt - by InksurgeBurn Baby, Burn t-shirt - by Ross Zietz
Ok, so if you're one of those people who can spend a bit extra on a shirt just because there's something about it that you really love you've got to visit People Like Us, because they have a knack for creating those shirts. But don't worry, you get plenty of bang for your buck, including some of the hottest designs on awesome quality shirts, and - if you go for the packaging option - you also get a printed library bag, postcards, a toy, stickers and lollies. Yeah! The collective has been getting quite a bit of attention in the press recently, and all for good reason, as their shirts bear stunning designs from a cavalcade of leading artists including Jeremy Somers, Jan Avendano and Inksurge.


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