Thursday, August 30, 2007

Threadless $10 Sale

The Unseen/Unheard t-shirt by Ed Pincombe
Everybody Loves A Yeti t-shirt by Scott Bartlett
The Communist Party t-shirt by Tom Burns
I never buy towels until they go on sale. Why pay full price for towels, right? Threadless on the other hand often requires some speedy purchasing because the good shirts tend to sell out really quickly. But, $10 sale time is here, so head over and see if there is anything left that you like. 14 new shirts out this week (over acheivers) with my pick of the bunch being The Unseen/Unheard by Ed Pincombe (top) and Everybody Loves A Yeti by Scott Bartlett (middle). If 14 shirts isn't enough, there's also a bunch of reprints available too. Buy heaps and you won't have to go shopping for a year - until the towels go on sale that is.

Sale ends September 3


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